Tuesday 1 June 2021

Error 403 Out of call volume quota | API


Error Message : {'StatusCode': 403, 'message': 'Out of call volume quota. Quota will be replenished in 3:15:56:38.'}

The below scenarios may be the possibility for the error, 403: Out of call volume quota.
  • With an API key, you can hit the API  limited number of times if the limit exceeds you will face this error.
  • Or if you run your code in parallel with the same API key, it will exceed the number of API calls per sec.

{'StatusCode': 403, 'message': 'Out of call volume quota. Quota will be replenished in 3:15:56:38.'}
 {'StatusCode': 403, 'message': 'Out of call volume quota. Quota will be replenished in 3:15:56:38.'}

Now coming to 'Quota will be replenished in 3:15:56:38' means that quota will be reset in 3 days 15 hours 56 mins and 38 seconds.

API | Quota will be replenished in 3:15:56:38.
API | Quota will be replenished in 3:15:56:38.

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