Tuesday 25 May 2021

Performance Tuning of Informatica mapping | Interview Question

 One of the most frequently asked Informatica interview question is about performance tuning. 

  • How do you optimize mapping?
  • How do you identify which part of mapping is taking more time to run?
  • How do you optimize a transformation in your mapping?
  • How do you improve the performance of a mapping?

First of all, what is performance tuning?

  • To identify and resolve bottlenecks 
  • Performance bottleneck can occur at target, source, mapping, and session.
In this post, we will see where the bottleneck is caused, how to identify and eliminate them.


  • Caused while Integration Service writes to a target database.

How to identify Target Bottleneck?

  • Configure to write a flat-file. If the performance increases then you have a target bottleneck.
  • This means more time is spent on writer thread than transformation or reader thread.

How to eliminate Target Bottleneck?

  • Configure index and key constraints on the target.


  • Caused while reading from the source database.

How to identify Source Bottleneck?

  • If the session reads from a flat file, then probably no source bottleneck.
  • If the source connection is relation then add the filter to the source, perform a read test.
  • This means more time is spent on the reader thread than transformation or writer thread.

How to eliminate Source Bottleneck?

  • Configure index and key constraints on the source.


  • Caused while transforming data.

How to identify Mapping Bottleneck?

  • Check the session log to find how time is spent on the transformation thread.
  • This means more time is spent on the transformation thread than the reader or writer thread.

How to eliminate Mapping Bottleneck?

  • By optimizing the transformation properties.


  • If the above bottlenecks are eliminated then you are probably facing the session bottleneck.

How to identify Session Bottleneck?

  • Check the information about each transformation input, output, and error row details.

How to eliminate Mapping Bottleneck?

  • By optimizing the session properties.

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