This blog will explore how to convert the nested JSON file in the S3 bucket to a CSV file using Boto3 and Pandas.
It is easier to flatten the nested JSON using Pandas, the main element to flatten the nested JSON is json_normalize from
json_normalize converts an array of nested JSON objects into a flat DataFrame with dotted-namespace column names.
Example data of the JSON file
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json_normalize from the - Normalized JSON data |
Python Code To Convert Nested JSON in S3 bucket to CSV file :
import boto3 import json import csv import pandas as pd from import json_normalize fname="/tmp/Sample.csv" s3Dev = boto3.client('s3',aws_access_key_id='awsAccessKeyDev'
,aws_secret_access_key='awsSecretAccessKeyDev') #Retrieving the file from S3 bucket obj = s3Dev.get_object(Bucket='bucket_name', Key='Folder/Sample.json') #Streaming the JSON file data from S3 bucket data = obj["Body"].read().decode() #Converts the data in byte format to string to pass the data for normalization json_data = json.loads(data) print (json_data) #Normalizes the data in array format normalized= print(normalized) #Converts the normalized data into dataframe normalized.to_csv(fname,index=False, encoding='utf-8') s3Dev.upload_file(fname, 'bucket_name' , 'Folder/Sample.csv')
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